WoodLand Dancer

Happy Earth Day Earthlings! I wanted to celebrate today by releasing this beautiful video for FREE! I shot this last summer of professional dancer; Lisa Bella.

Watch full screen with sound on!

Beautiful Revenge Productions for VendettaVerse

Filmed by Me, edited by Brook Rain and starring, Lisa Bella.

Lisa Bella is a pole instructor and professional dancer working in Western MA. Learn more about her and how you can take pole classes with this powerhouse of a person at: instagram.com/LisaBellaPole

Today’s Member update is 79 beautiful images from this photoshoot!

JOIN NOW to see all 79 of the photos and so many beautiful photosets of beautiful humans photographed by Bella Vendetta Fine Art Photography


Bella Vendetta, owner and operator of VendettaVerse.com and the brains behind Beautiful Revenge Productions AND TreasureCams.com