Harley Hotties

Happy Pride! I thought I’d spoil you with these super hot girl on girl photos featuring Me with retired pornstar: Sarayah Hope. I had SUCH a huge crush on her! She was a legend. We had been booked for a film together and during our off time managed to take this photoset with photographer: Studio Zero.

JOIN NOW to see this full photoset. It’s a great time to join for Pride month and support queer sex woekers! I’ll be releasing girl/girl photosets all month long! A fresh serving every friday on femme on femme action! PLUS every monday I’ll be releasing a photoset that I took of a queer model. Lots to celebrate!

JOIN NOW to see it all!

Bella Vendetta, owner and operator of VendettaVerse.com and the brains behind Beautiful Revenge Productions AND TreasureCams.com